Conference Schedule

Tutorials are a separate registration and are $150 per session. Buy tutorial tickets before they sell out!

Tutorials — July 17, 2016

08:00 AM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


09:00 AM
Classroom (F-45)
Classroom (F-50)

Designing Good User Experience

Žan Anderle

Novice Level
Classroom (F-55)

Hello Web App Workshop

Tracy Osborn

Novice Level
12:30 PM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


01:30 PM
Classroom (F-45)

Demystifying the Django REST Framework

Haris Ibrahim K V

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-50)

Grow Your Twitter Bot Garden

Terian Koscik

Novice Level
Classroom (F-55)
05:15 PM
Classroom (F-55)

Orientation Event

General Sessions — July 18, 2016

08:00 AM
8th Floor


09:00 AM
Auditorium (G-06)

Saron Yitbarek, CodeNewbie (Keynote)

Classroom (F-95)

Keynote Overflow Room

10:00 AM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


10:30 AM
Auditorium (G-06)

Readability Counts

Trey Hunner

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)

Django, Python, and Health Care Data

Becca Nock

Novice Level
11:00 AM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)

Building Dynamic Dashboards with Django and D3

Clinton Dreisbach

Intermediate or Advanced Level
11:30 AM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)

Django for IoT: From hackathon to production

Anna Schneider

Intermediate or Advanced Level
12:00 PM
8th Floor


Auditorium (G-06)

Lightning Talks

01:30 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Websockets: Intro to messaging.

Josue Balandrano Coronel

Novice Level
Classroom (F-95)

Under the Hood of Modern CSS Frameworks

Michael Trythall

Intermediate or Advanced Level
02:20 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Django and PostgreSQL: An Ever-Closer Union

Christophe Pettus

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)

An Intro To Web Accessibility In Django

Annalee Flower Horne

Novice Level
02:50 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Solving problems with Django Forms.

Kirt Gittens

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)
03:20 PM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


03:50 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Design for Non-Designers

Tracy Osborn

Novice Level
Classroom (F-95)
04:40 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

SSL all the things

Markus Holtermann

Novice Level
Classroom (F-95)

Building JSON APIs with Django / Pinax

Brian Rosner

Intermediate or Advanced Level
05:10 PM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)

A new look into APIs - Graphene

Syrus Akbary

Intermediate or Advanced Level

General Sessions — July 19, 2016

08:00 AM
8th Floor


09:30 AM
Auditorium (G-06)

Andrew Godwin, Channels (Keynote)

Classroom (F-95)

Keynote Overflow Room

10:30 AM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


11:00 AM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)

Confident Asset Deployments with Webpack & Django

Scott Burns

Intermediate or Advanced Level
11:30 AM
Auditorium (G-06)

Just Enough Typography

Joni Trythall

Novice Level
Classroom (F-95)

Spicing up Django: An introduction to Mezzanine CMS

Ed Rivas

Intermediate or Advanced Level
12:00 PM
8th Floor


Auditorium (G-06)

Lightning Talks

01:30 PM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)
02:20 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

High-Availability Django

Frankie Dintino

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)

Making the most Out of Code Reviews

Mariatta Wijaya

Novice Level
02:50 PM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)

Making a splash with your open source project

Russell Keith-Magee

Intermediate or Advanced Level
03:20 PM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


03:50 PM
Auditorium (G-06)
04:40 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Mighty Model Managers

Shawn Inman

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)

Angular 2 and You

Pam Selle

Novice Level
05:10 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

I Didn't Know QuerySets Could Do That

Charlie Guo

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)

Stress Testing your Code of Conduct in Production

Baptiste Mispelon, Ola Sendecka

General Sessions — July 20, 2016

08:00 AM
8th Floor


10:00 AM
Auditorium (G-06)

Janice Levenhagen, ChickTech (Keynote)

Classroom (F-95)

Keynote Overflow Room

11:00 AM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


11:30 AM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)

This Old Pony: Working with Legacy Django Apps

Ben Lopatin

Intermediate or Advanced Level
12:00 PM
8th Floor


Auditorium (G-06)

Lightning Talks

01:30 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Frog and Toad Learn About Django Security

Philip James

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)
02:20 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Entomology 101: Effective Bug Hunting

Frank Wiles

Novice Level
Classroom (F-95)
02:50 PM
Auditorium (G-06)
Classroom (F-95)
03:20 PM
MBA Lounge & Cafe


03:50 PM
Auditorium (G-06)

Django and React: Perfect Together

Jack McCloy

Intermediate or Advanced Level
Classroom (F-95)
04:40 PM
Classroom (F-95)

Atomic Wagtail

Kurt Wall

05:10 PM
Auditorium (G-06)


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