Just Enough Typography

Joni Trythall

Tuesday 11:30 a.m.–noon
Audience level: Novice


Great typography isn’t just for designers. Words are everywhere and make up so much of what the web is all about. It gives us to the power to determine the overall readability and feelings created by our site or product. While design resources can often be limited, good typography is too important to compromise.


Design is 95% typography … or something like that. Having a grasp on what makes for pleasant, easy to read typography that reinforces your brand is the first step towards building an amazing, impactful experience. Together we will explore typography fundamentals:

  1. Sizing, spacing, and rhythm to make all of our type feel cohesive.
  2. How to improve readability and encourage the user to read.
  3. Type families and different styles.
  4. Choosing and pairing fonts, how many to use, and when to use them.
  5. Much more!

These typography basics will help you better understand why some typefaces just don’t work and give you some go-to solutions for when the designer is out sick (or has gone crazy). We’ll learn a bunch but not too much, it will be just enough :grin:

Buy your conference and tutorial tickets here! Tutorials are $150 per session.