Readability Counts

Trey Hunner

Monday 10:30 a.m.–11 a.m.
Audience level: Intermediate or Advanced


Have you struggled to improve unreadable PEP8-compliant code? Come to this talk to learn how to refactor unreadable code into something more manageable.


Most code is read many more times than it is written. Constructing readable code is important, but that doesn't mean it's easy.

If you've ever found unreadable PEP8-compliant code and wondered how to fix it, this talk is for you.

Long-lived code must be maintainable and readability is a prerequisite of maintainability. It's easier to identify unreadable code than it is to create readable code.

Let's talk about how to shape tricky code into something more readable and more maintainable.

During this talk we'll discuss:

  • whitespace
  • self-documenting code
  • modularity
  • expectation management

We'll conclude this talk with a checklist of questions you can use to make your own code more readable.

Buy your conference and tutorial tickets here! Tutorials are $150 per session.