Day 1 Orientation

How can you have the BEST DjangoCon ever, even if it’s your first conference? Come to the Day 1 Orientation!

We’ve gotten a lot of feedback from DjangoCon US 2015. One recurring theme was this: people attending their first con or attending DjangoCon alone often felt a little lost, overwhelmed, or left out. An informal survey of potential new conference attendees also revealed the desire for some sort of “guidance” when attending a conference. So, to address this, we’ve created a Day 1 Orientation session. The goal is to help people put their best foot forward at their first DjangoCon US or first tech conference.

The orientation page can be found here and more details will be added as we get closer to DjangoCon. We look forward to seeing you in Philly and to you having the BEST DjangoCon US you can have!